The Underrated Importance of Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs

Did you know that only 10 - 12%  of the population enjoy public speaking.

So what happens to those who don't enjoy public speaking well, like anything, when you don't enjoy something or find it too scary and daunting? You avoid, dismiss, and ignore it as much as possible, hoping and praying that you never need to do it.

I have even heard of people building businesses intentionally around not having to face the dreaded  Public Speaking, only to find out years down the track that building the skill of Public Speaking covers way more areas than just Standing on a Stage and presenting a talk. For instance, it can enhance your networking skills, improve your ability to pitch ideas, and even boost your confidence in one-on-one conversations.

In reality, anything you avoid will inevitably appear in different forms or stages of your life and Business. You can choose to run from it, finding yourself stuck in a loop of 'nothing ever changing, 'or you can face it head-on and take control. The choice is yours, and it's a powerful one.

So, let's say you've decided to take that first step. I want to acknowledge and celebrate your courage. This is a significant moment in your journey towards mastering public speaking.

Take a moment to appreciate your bravery.

WAHOOOOO 🎉🎉🎉🎉   Celebrating you for taking that First Scary Step!

We need to shift the statistics of Public Speaking, and it begins with someone like you saying let's do this scary thing!

So, where does one begin? All you need to do is Google Learn Public Speaking, which will bring up many options, from Books to read to Self-Led Courses to Boot Camps and Speaking Circles. The list is endless and needs to be clarified.

No matter what you decide to choose - know this. Public Speaking is not a skill you do once and then complete. Often, entrepreneurs need to improve on the importance of this critical skill. Public Speaking is about more than just delivering a speech or presentation to inform or influence. It also involves using verbal and non-verbal communication skills to convey any message effectively. These can be adapted to your workplace, Business, or relationships.

I was recently contacted by a female Leader who wanted me to do a one-off session to assist her with delivering a talk that would help her receive a financial grant from the government.  She mentioned that she had repeatedly offered to speak but had been unsuccessful.

Now, I only occasionally encounter someone like this, but I am finding that people want instant results and quick fixes when it comes to Public Speaking. Sure, there are shortcuts around Public Speaking that also need to be learned ( many I won't teach as some practices are unethical). However, it's important to understand that public speaking is like a muscle-the more you use it, the stronger it gets. It's a skill that needs to be built over time, with consistent practice and training. Your mind, body, and strategy get on board with each growth stage in your public speaking and in your business.

Public speaking is not just about delivering speeches; it's about effectively communicating your message, establishing your brand, and fostering connections with your audience, clients, team, and partners. Despite its importance, many business owners still need to pay more attention to the need for ongoing investment in honing their public speaking skills.

Here are three reasons why public speaking is crucial for building your Business and brand and why more emphasis should be placed on continuous improvement in this area rather than a band-aid.

3 Reasons Why Public Speaking Can Help Build Your Brand and Business

  1. It Builds Your Credibility and Authority

Public speaking positions you as an expert in your field. You build credibility and authority when you speak confidently and knowledgeably about your industry. According to a study published in the Harvard Business Review, audiences are more likely to trust and respect speakers who demonstrate expertise and confidence. This trust translates into a more substantial brand reputation and increased business opportunities.

  1. Enhances Your Brand Visibility

Public speaking provides a platform to increase your brand's visibility. Speaking at industry conferences, webinars, and podcasts exposes your Business to a wider audience. This exposure is invaluable for brand recognition and growth. A report by Forbes indicates that businesses leveraging public speaking engagements see a significant boost in their visibility and reach, leading to increased customer acquisition and retention.

  1. Creates Personal Connections

Effective public speaking builds personal connections with your audience and your team. Unlike written communication, speaking allows for the expression of emotions and the establishment of a personal rapport. You cannot interpret natural energy through a written post. This connection is crucial for building a loyal customer base. Research from Psychology Today highlights that audiences are more likely to engage with and support brands they feel a personal connection to, which is often built through public speaking.

So why do many business owners still undervalue the Importance of this ongoing Investment

Despite its evident benefits, I want to paint another perspective and explain why you should consider this critical skill as part of your ongoing business investment.

Adapting to Changing Trends

The business world is constantly evolving, and so are communication methods. Regularly updating and refining your public speaking skills ensures that you stay relevant and effective in delivering your message. The Journal of Business Communication emphasizes that staying current with communication trends can significantly enhance the impact of your public speaking engagements.

Building Confidence and Reducing Anxiety

Public speaking anxiety is common. Remember, only 10-12% of people enjoy Public Speaking, but it can be mitigated with practice and continuous learning. A study by the American Psychological Association found that individuals who regularly engage in public speaking activities experience reduced Anxiety and increased confidence over time. This confidence is not only beneficial for speaking engagements but also for overall business leadership and decision-making.

Continuous Skill Improvement

Public speaking is a skill that can constantly be improved. Investing time and effort into ongoing training and practice allows you to refine your delivery, enhance your storytelling abilities, and better engage with your audience.

Leveraging Technology

The rise of digital platforms has transformed public speaking. Virtual conferences, webinars, and social media live sessions have become integral to business communication. Ongoing investment in public speaking skills includes staying adept with these technologies. The International Journal of Business Communication reports that businesses that effectively utilize digital Public speaking platforms see a marked increase in audience engagement and brand loyalty.

Public speaking is undeniably a crucial skill for building your Business and brand. It enhances credibility, increases brand visibility, and fosters personal connections with your audience. However, the importance of continuous investment in developing this skill cannot be overstated. Adapting to changing trends, building confidence, improving skills, and leveraging technology are all essential for maintaining a practical public speaking presence.

For business owners and entrepreneurs, prioritizing public speaking development is not just a one-time effort but a continuous journey. By dedicating time and resources to improve this critical skill set, you can unlock new growth opportunities and establish a lasting impact in your industry.

Investing in public speaking is investing in the future success of your Business and brand.

Wondering where to begin in your Journey of Public Speaking, come and Join my next  FREE MASTERCLASS